On set in Rancho Palos Verdes, Los Angeles for a key shot in my short film “The Gambler". The film features the talented actor Charley Stern as The Gambler and the sleight of hand expert Wayne Jay Liu as The Mechanic.
One-of-a-kind Gabby Rosemond (Gabriela Garcia) in makeup between takes on "Snare." In addition to Gabby I also collaborated with the incredible filmmakers Katharine White and Youthana Yuos to bring this project to life.
On set with the talented filmmaker, Sandra Joen Perez-Tejada.
On set at Music Hall in Beirut, Lebanon filming the Chehade Brothers, Tony Hana, and other talented musicians for my documentary feature, Sounds of Beirut. A local photographer captured this image for a write-up on my film. It was also part of a larger photo series featuring filmmakers around the world.
Lately I've been doing more and more projects involving green screen and other visual effects. For this film I worked with the talented actor Julian Joaquin and the great Shaun Heard.
The talented filmmaker Chrissie De Guzman on the way back from a wrap party in Downtown Los Angeles.
I took this photo while on set for the horror film, "Kichkandi." While she's lost in thought I felt it captured our technological, modern world where taking a break and thinking often involves our smart phones. The pose immediately reminded me of the famous Rodin sculpture "The Thinker." I couldn't resist.
On set for my short film project involving boxer and actor, Javier Calderon. Javi and I were bouncers at the same Hollywood nightclub years ago where we got into countless scuffles, fights, and full-scale brawls. It's always good to collaborate and film with Javi when the fighting isn't real.
On the "Kichkandi" set filming in the rain.
The talented filmmaker and cinematographer Tanmay Chowdhary from Calcutta, India. A one-of-a kind talent and always a pleasure to work with. All filmmakers are artists at heart.
Sometimes on a location scout you find places that will work for other films at a later date. We also looked like trouble. With the talented Ryan Michael Connolly.
The new hardware aesthetic of the modern digital projectors.
Just a shot I took while on set with unique filmmaker Marcus William Heleker. Green screen in black and white.
Location scouting Fertitta Hall at USC with cinematographer Sebastian Schrills.
Acting in Ryan Michael Connolly's gritty sci-fi film.